MacCormick Secure, December 7, 2022 – Professor El-Ghazaly, Dr. Karthik Srinivasan, and the students in Professor El-Ghazaly’s ECE 6990 Succeeding in the Graduate Environment seminar class visited the MacCormick Secure center for a full day to work with students in each of the high school classes on a LED display array demo with Arduino control. The students loved it! Everyone managed to complete the construction and Arduino control of a 2 x 2 LED array within the allotted class time, but only a few ambitious students moved on to make a 3 x 3 LED array, and only one student was able to complete a 4 x 4 LED array! Both the Cornell graduate students and the MacCormick students had a great time and learned from each other. More information about the MacCormick Secure center can be found here.
Applied Magnetism at MacCormick Secure, Fall 2022 – Professor El-Ghazaly and the students in her ECE 6320 Applied Magnetism class visited MacCormick to pitch the students’ class project ideas. The MacCormick students asked questions and rated each pitch based on a rubric scoring system. Two other visits were also scheduled throughout the semester during which the Applied Magnetism students would give project milestone presentations and a final project demo. Due to an unforeseen lockdown at MacCormick, final project demos had to be done as recorded videos, which the MacCormick students got to watch and rate on a later date. More information about the MacCormick Secure center can be found here.
CATALYST Academy, July 20, 2022 – Professor El-Ghazaly taught the ECE Field lecture in the summer CATALYST academy for underrepresented minority high school students interested in engineering. Almost 50 young women and men attended the week-long program at Cornell. More information about the CATALYST Academy can be found here.
MacCormick Secure, December 8, 2021 – Professor El-Ghazaly and the students in her ECE 6990 Succeeding in the Graduate Environment seminar class gave brief 3-minute research field introductions to the students in MacCormick Secure center. More information about the MacCormick Secure center can be found here.
Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program, July 30, 2021 – Professor El-Ghazaly and her students Yulan Chen and Ludovico Cestarollo gave a research lab tour and demos for teachers from both New York city schools and local juvenile detention centers near Ithaca. The tour was followed by a work session with the teachers to brainstorm and improve a lending library kit currently under development in the research group so that it can be used as a middle and high school teaching activity on magnetism and eddy current brakes. More information about the RET program at the Cornell Center for Materials Research can be found here.
CATALYST Academy, July 29, 2021 – Professor El-Ghazaly taught the ECE Field lecture in the summer CATALYST academy for underrepresented minority high school students interested in engineering. Due to limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the young women and men attended the week-long program virtually. More information about the CATALYST Academy can be found here.
Prefreshman Summer Program (PSP), July 27, 2021 – Professor El-Ghazaly gave a lecture and demo on her research to incoming underrepresented minority freshman students at Cornell. She also sat on a faculty panel to advise the students on how best to take advantage of their next four years at Cornell. More information about the Prefreshman Summer Program can be found here.
CURIE Academy, July 16, 2020 – For the second year in a row, Professor El-Ghazaly taught the ECE Field lecture in the summer CURIE academy for high school students interested in engineering. Due to limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the young women attended the week-long program virtually. Via Zoom, they learned about the different types of engineering and did more in-depth activities related to the field of Operations Research and Information Engineering. More information about the CURIE Academy can be found here.
Global Women’s Breakfast, February 12, 2020 – Professor El-Ghazaly served on the panel for Clarkson University’s Global Women’s Breakfast. The breakfast brought together over 150 middle school and high school female students from the nearby regions in New York state as an effort to encourage the participation of women in science and engineering. More about IUPAC’s Global Women’s Breakfast program can be found here.

Magnetism Fair, December 7, 2019 – students in Professor El-Ghazaly’s ECE 5970 – Applied Magnetism class demonstrated their course projects to visiting high school students from the local Ithaca area. The projects were designed to either explain how magnetism is used in daily life or to explain a nanoscale magnetic phenomenon with a large scale prototype. An article about the magnetism fair can be found here.

CURIE Academy, July 19, 2019 – Professor El-Ghazaly taught the ECE Field lecture in the summer CURIE academy for high school students interested in engineering. The young women were at Cornell for a week-long program, learning about the different types of engineering and doing in-depth activities related to one of the engineering fields. More information about the CURIE Academy can be found here.
See Professor El-Ghazaly’s prior outreach involvement here.